Barco & Deublin Rotary Unions
Barco Swivel joints | Mechanical seals | Rotating union manufactured by Barco
100多年来,Barco一直在解决他们的创新思维和优质的产品加工和电力工业流体流动问题。Barco旋转接头的设计和制造提供高质量的。事实上,不同的竞争,Barco旋转接头的设计与可更换密封,这样你就不必担心标准旋转接头的水上的沙粒,二氧化硅,规模和其他磨料颗粒。Barco旋转接头是一个行业的 者,在过去的一个世纪,我们持续给客户提供创新的解决方案,来保持未来的技术领先。
Barco BLS Series |
Barco Type C |
Barco E75RS |
Barco GR Series |
Barco 5200 Plane Swivel |
Barco Self Aligning Swivel Joint |
Barco SFL Series |
Barco Super G |
Barco Series E-1 Rotary Union |
For more than 100 years, Barco has been solving fluid flow problems in the processing and power industries with their innovative thinking and quality products. Barco rotary unions are designed and manufactured to be the highest quality available. In fact, unlike the competition, Barco rotary unions are designed with replaceable seals so you never have to worry about the common enemy of standard rotary unions—water-borne grains of sand, silica, scale and other abrasive particulates. And while Barco rotary unions have been an industry leader for over a century, they continue to lead with innovative solutions that grow with tomorrow's technology.
Rotary Unions Rotary Joints Self-Aligning
Swivel Joints Coolant Unions
Plane Swivels Rotary Unions
Rotary Joints
Type C & CS
Type CF & CSF
Hot Oil Rotary
Type CR & CRF
Type Super G
Syphon Elbows
Type GR
Type E-75RS & RSX
Duo-Flow Elbows
BLS Rotary Unions
SFL Rotary Unions
SteamType C & CS
Type CF & CSF
Type CR & CRF
Type Super G
Type GRCoolantBLS Rotary Unions
SFL Rotary Unions
WaterType C & CS
Type CF & CSF
Type CR & CRF
Type E-75RS & RSX
Plane Swivels
Hot Oil Hot Oil Rotary Self-Aligning Swivels