September 9 – 11, 2019
St. Paul, Minnesota
CPC-University是一个致力于加强经销商培训教育的项目。会议在CPC位于明尼苏达州圣保罗的全球总部举行。我们提供由设计、营销和销售我们产品的CPC人员设计的实践培训和课堂讨论。CPC-University is a program dedicated to enhancing the education of our distributors. Sessions are held at our global headquarters in St. Paul, Minnesota. We provide hands-on training and classroom discussions designed by the CPC personnel who design, market and sell our product every day.
There are none. This program is intended for any CPC distributor. Whether you are in the field sellingor inside sales, if you have lots of experience selling CPC or are new, this training is for you.CPC-University适用于任何CPC经销商。无论你是在现场销售还是在内部销售,如果你有很多销售CPC的经验或是新的,这项培训都是为你准备的。
- CPC Sales Model
- Tour of CPC
- Test Lab Tour and Product Demonstrations
- Selling CPC Best Practices
- Optional Tour of one of our Molders (must extend stay)
- Electives – choose classes that suit your needs
- Much More!
Arrive on the Sunday before the meeting for an evening welcome reception at the hotel. Classes are held on Monday and Tuesday. Please plan on staying for the two, full days. For those interested, we will organize a tour of one our molders on Wednesday morning. CPC will provide transportation to/from the hotel and the plant each day, lunches, after-meeting events, training materials, and lots of fun in between! 在会议前的星期天到达酒店,参加晚间欢迎晚宴。星期一和星期二上课。请计划住两天。对于那些感兴趣的人,我们将在星期三上午组织一次我们的模具之旅。CPC每天提供往返酒店和工厂的交通工具、午餐、会后活动、培训材料,以及其间的许多乐趣!
To register, contact your CPC Regional Sales Manager. Distributor attendance will be confirmed by the CPC Regional Sales Manager. Space is limited for this event, so register soon!
Contact your CPC Regional Sales Manager or
Ray Wittelsberger ray.wittelsberger@colder.com / (443)248-3628
September 9 – 11, 2019
St. Paul, Minnesota
