CPC Quick Connections for Printing industry
印刷和精度之间的连接。当企业都是依靠像素完美的材料,制造商转向将普通印刷变成科学的CPC快插拔连接器。从检验日期代码和颜色代码,到库存控制和管理,我们的智能油墨处理解决方案可帮助采取在屏幕上的数据,并以令人难以置信的精确度重建资料。这些接头使用了各种耐化学腐蚀的材料,并配备先进的技术如无溢漏同位截止阀和RFID功能。Colder’s Quick Disconnect Couplings have been widely used in many areas
of the printing industry for over 29 years. They’re designed to provide faster uid line
connection and disconnection, and easier equipment servicing. They also provide secure,
leak-free connections, which prevent messy leaks and spills and reduce costly job downtime
and damage to valuable equipment. From ink supply containers to print head connections,
and many other print and ink applications, Colder couplings ensure clean, easy and secure
uid handling.
CPC NS1 系列接头
NS1系列连接器结构小巧,封闭系统的设计确保断开连接后无滴漏,无需清除系统中的空气,并允许管道自由移动无扭结, 是目前市场上小的塑料无溢漏连接器。如果一些应用需要把1/8英寸或更小的管道经常进行连接和断开,NS1系列便是理想的選择。符合人体工程学及用户友 好型的设计,实现了安全﹑可靠的连接和断开。 |
CPC NS212 系列接头
NS212系列接头跟CPC其它无溢漏系列的接头一样,为提供快速、安全、真正无泄漏管线连接而设计。NS212 提供了一种快速、旋接式接头,带一体式锁紧装置和双面无泄漏截止阀。NS212 亦具有抗化学性,是许多应用的理想产品。 |
CPC NS4 系列接头
NS4系列接头的特点是尺寸精巧的无泄漏阀门设计且价格合理。如果仅几滴泄漏就会引发安全、介质成本或环境法规问题的话,请使用NS4。这种新颖的接头重量轻、抗化学性能好,便于使用。此无泄漏设计有效消除了泄漏,大程度地减少停机时间,提高操作的安全性。 |
CPC NS6 系列接头
NS6系列接头的特点是尺寸精巧的无泄漏阀门设计且价格合理。如果仅几滴泄漏就会引发安全、介质成本或环境法规问题的话,请使用NS6。这种新颖的接头重量轻、抗化学性能好,便于使用。此无泄漏设计有效消除了泄漏,大程度地减少停机时间,触感柔软的过模手感舒适,极具吸引力。 |
CPC NSH 系列接头
NSH 系列是我司 ChemQuik CQG06 系列的一般应用版本,具有防止渗透溢漏,压力均衡的设计。模制聚丙烯及EPDM密封圈, 内部为全塑胶,不含金属配件,无弹簧的畅顺通道,令液体能以大的容量高速传输。防止溢漏的性能,有效避免流失原料,减少停机时间,降低了用户被溢出的液体伤害的风险。 |
DTLD系列接头可以连接1/4英寸到3/8英寸(6.4mm到9.5mm)直径的管道,也可以与广泛使用的PLC系列配合使用,便于同现有设备配套。通过DTLD系列上显而易见的拇指闩锁,可以实现管道的分开或同步快速连接,无需过多技巧。接头闩锁保持在打开位置,以便随时准备接入对接接头。闩锁系统有覆盖保护装置,以避免意外开锁。通过-咔嗒声确认安全连接,确保使用中无泄漏。该接头由耐用的ABS塑料制成,便于擦洗和清洁。 |
CPC PLC12 系列接头
1/4〞流量聚丙烯PLC12提供了许多与PLC相同配置的选项。为适用于要求更苛刻的应用条件,聚丙烯材料增加了产品的抗化学性。PLC12系列接头可经伽玛射线灭菌。 |
CPC PMC12 系列接头
1/8"流量聚丙烯PMC12系列提供了许多与PMC相同配置的选项。 聚丙烯材料增加了抗化学性,可经伽玛射线灭菌。PMC12系列还可以与小径刚性管配用。可提供的类型有1/4-28 底端平口式和 1/4-28 UNF螺纹式,在每次进行管连接时,这种接头消除了 普通压紧螺母需要的频繁旋钮操作。 |
CPC SMC 系列接头
SMC & SMF1 是CPC公司小的接头产品,这种旋接式产品是鲁尔式连接的可靠替代产品。这种接头在进行管道连接时还可以自由旋转,该重要特点既可防止管道扭结,也可防止使用过程中的意外断开。SMC 系列还可提供RFID(无线射频识别)选项。 |
CPC UDC 系列接头
已申请专利的3/8"流量万能分配接头(UDC)可为标准38mm螺纹或卡扣式瓶塞提供通用连接。可快速连接散装包装系统包括盒中袋(BIB),柔性和刚性包装方式。自动无泄漏阀大程度地降低了资金浪费和泄漏的危险。符合人体工学的设计和带防护指锁按钮使接头易于把握,操作简单。所有UDC 系 列 符合 NSF/ ANSI 169准则, 适合于分装液体,调味品或其它食物基料。UDC 系列还可提供可选RFID(射频识别)能力。 |
The IdentiQuik Multiple Antenna RF-enabled communicator (MAR) provides a convenient and economical solution for avoiding misconnections in a multiline environment. Designed to handle up to eight fluid connections, the MAR eliminates larger, individual RF-enabled communicators, which reduces redundancy and complexity of system design. Like all IdentiQuik RF-enabled products, the MAR makes controlling, protecting and streamlining fluid handling processes easier and more efficient. The MAR is compatible with all PLC12 panel-mounted bodies and PLC12 Series RFID-enabled inserts |
RFID-enabled IdentiQuik NS4 Non-Spill (NS) Couplings are designed with double-sided non-spill shutoff valves that enable drip-free disconnections and prevent air entering the lines at connection, minimizing downtime and enhancing operator safety. These easy-to-use, lightweight couplings are chemically resistant and offer broad chemical compatibility. Ideal for applications including large-format printing, inkjet printing, blood analysis and many more. |
IdentiQuik Smart Couplings.
Colder’s couplings with built in RFID tags assure the correct ink is used to prevent print head or system damage. IdentiQuik Smart Couplings. use RFID technology to automatically identify fluid products and their characteristics, capturing data from point of origin through point of-use.

Custom Coupling Designs
Colder’s custom product Design Team has worked with customers around the world for more than 29 years to design custom couplings that solve specific problems and increase product performance. Colder collaborates with customers using its solid modeling capabilities, prototype equipment, an extensive test lab, and advanced manufacturing expertise.
NS2: Compact design
with non-spill valves
polypropylene, TPV
seals, TPV overmold
Termination Sizes:
1/8"-1/4" hose barb** |
NS4: Non-spill
valves and soft-touch
EPDM o-rings*, TPV
Termination Sizes:
1/8"-3/8" hose barb** |
NS6: Higher flow,
non-spill with softtouch overmold
EPDM o-rings*, TPV
Termination Sizes:
3/8"-1/2" hose barb** |
PMC: Small plastic
coupling with many
choices of terminations
Acetal, Buna-N o-rings*
Terminations sizes:
1/8"-1/4" hose barb**
PLC: Larger version of
the PMC
Acetal, Buna-N o-rings*
Termination Sizes:
1/4"-3/8" hose barb** |
PMC12: More
chemically resistant
than the PMC
Polypropylene, EPDM
Terminations sizes:
1/8"-1/4" hose barb**
PLC12: Larger
version of the PMC12
Polypropylene, EPDM
Termination Sizes:
1/4"-3/8" hose barb**
MC: Durable metal
Chrome-plated brass,
Buna-N o-rings*
Termination sizes:
1/8"-1/4" hose barb**
LC: Larger version of
the MC
Chrome-plated brass,
Buna-N o-rings*
Termination sizes:
1/4"-3/8" hose barb** |
DrumQuik PRO:
Bulk dispensing from
Food grade, virgin
Thread Sizes:
2" American buttress,
BCS 56x4 |
UDC: Instant
connections to bulk
packaging systems
Food grade, virgin
Termination Sizes:
3/8"-3/4" hose barb,
38mm cap** |
iUDC: RFID helps
maintain warranty
integrity, brand
Polypropylene, acetal
or polypropylene caps*
Termination Sizes:
1/4"-3/4" hose barb,
38mm cap**
version of the PLC
Acetal, polypropylene*
Termination Sizes:
1/4"-3/8" hose barb** |
NS2: Compact design with non-spill valves
Glass-filled polypropylene, TPV seals, TPV overmold.
Termination Sizes:
1/8"-1/4" hose barb**
PMC: Small plastic coupling with many choices of terminations
Acetal, Buna-N o-rings*
Terminations sizes:
1/8"-1/4" hose barb**
PLC: Larger version of the PMC
Acetal, Buna-N o-rings*
Termination Sizes:
1/4"-3/8" hose barb**
DrumQuik. PRO:
Bulk dispensing from drums
Food grade, virgin polypropylene, polyethylene*
Thread Sizes:
2" American buttress, BCS 56x4" NS4: Non-spill valves and soft-touch overmold
Glass-filled polypropylene, EPDM o-rings*, TPV overmold.
Termination Sizes:
1/8"-3/8" hose barb**
PMC12: More chemically resistant than the PMC
Polypropylene, EPDM o-rings*
Terminations sizes:
1/8"-1/4" hose barb**
PLC12: Larger version of the PMC12
Polypropylene, EPDM o-rings*
Termination Sizes:
1/4"-3/8" hose barb** NS6: Higher flow, non-spill with soft-touch overmold
Glass-filled polypropylene, EPDM o-rings*, TPV overmold.
Termination Sizes:
3/8"-1/2" hose barb**
MC: Durable metal coupling
Chrome-plated brass, Buna-N o-rings*
Termination sizes:
1/8"-1/4" hose barb**
LC: Larger version of the MC
Chrome-plated brass, Buna-N o-rings*
Termination sizes:
1/4"-3/8" hose barb**
UDC: Instant iUDC: RFID helps
connections to bulk maintain warranty
packaging systems integrity, brand
Material: protection
Food grade, virgin Material:
polypropylene* Polypropylene, acetal
Termination Sizes: or polypropylene caps*
3/8"-3/4" hose barb, Termination Sizes:
38mm cap** 1/4"-3/4" hose barb,
38mm cap**
iPLC/iPLC12: RFID version of the PLC
Acetal, polypropylene*
Termination Sizes:
1/4"-3/8" hose barb**
ConnectionsInk, Flush,
Vacuum Lines
*NS4, PMC, PMC12, PLC,
PLC12, MC, LC, Custom
Flexible Pouches
*NS2, PMC, PMC12,
PLC, PLC12, Custom
Flexible Containers
*UDC, Puncture
Seal, Custom
*DrumQuik PRO
Rigid bottles
*NS2, PMC,
PLC12, MC, LC,
*UDC, Puncture
Seal, Custom
HP Engineers Use Colder Couplings to Minimize Operator Intervention
When Hewlett-Packard (HP) was developing its versatile black bulk ink system for high-volume print runs used in industrial packaging applications, they turned to Colder Products Company, the worldwide leader in the design and manufacture of plastic quick disconnect couplings for flexible tubing. Colder's couplings ensure easy, safe, and secure connecting and disconnecting for fluid handling systems in a broad range of applications.
After investigating a number of off-the-shelf fluid connectors from different sources, the HP engineering team selected Colder's NS4 Series Non-Spill coupling. The component provided the reliable, easy-to-use, low-cost connection the team needed. Plus, the incorporation of non-spill shut-off valves augmented the product design by helping to avoid messy ink spillage when the coupler is disconnected.
The Colder coupling also incorporates an easy-to-use thumb latch to allow for secure, single-handed operation. An audible "click" confirms that a secure connection is made and assures a secure seal. The intuitive design of the NS4 makes it so simple that no tools are required to connect or disconnect the tubing, and special training is not necessary for regular operation of the thermal inkjet system.
"The Colder connectors are an integral part of the Bulk Ink Delivery System," says Daniel L. Briley, Engineering Manager, HP Speciality Systems. "They enable our OEM customers to design a very modular, flexible, clean and reliable printing solution that is tailored to the end user needs. They can be placed in line to make the ink supply and the print heads easily accessible and interchangeable. Because printheads are separate from ink supplies, part changes have less impact on the running system."
For more than twenty-five years, HP has provided the best performing, most reliable inkjet printing technology to a variety of industrial markets. Working with innovative partners like Colder, they continue to improve their solutions and continue to be a worldwide leader in imaging and printing technologies.
WARNING: Due to the wide variety of possible fluid media and operating conditions, unintended consequences may result from the use of this product, all of which are beyond the control of Colder. It is the user’s responsibility to carefully determine and test for compatibility for use with their application. All such risks shall be assumed by the buyer.
WARRANTY: All sales are subject to Colder Products Company’s limited express warranty set forth in the Colder catalog. Contact your local distributor or Colder Customer Service for war-ranty provisions.