CPC 是全球领先软管用快速插拔接头、普通接头和连接器的供应商
CPC 是全球领先软管用快速插拔接头、普通接头和连接器的供应商。在1978年成立于明尼苏达州的圣保罗市。 CPC 有超过300个员工,在北美、德国和中国设有工厂,在十个国家设有销售办公室,世界各地有超过200多家分销商合作伙伴。CPC连接解决方案可提高设备和工艺的整体功能和设计。卓越产品功能包括有优越抓力的精密软管倒钩、防止泄漏的内置截止阀,以及易于使用的按压拇指锁,实现快速连接和断开管道。CPC的创新产品一向处于领先地位,经常与客户开发最佳的解决方案。许多CPC的标准快速插拔接头和普通接头开始时都是订制产品,后来广为市场使用。 今天,CPC 提供超过一万多个定制和标准产品,以满足全球各行业的流体处理要求。
CPC innovates on the leading edge of what is possible and collaborates to solve for and develop the best solution for each customer. Many of CPC’s standard couplings and fittings began as custom-engineered solutions that found broader use in applicable markets. CPC has produced over 10,500 custom and traditional products to meet the fluid handling challenges of various industries worldwide. Many of these products have been awarded United States and international patents. With a proactive business strategy focused on growth, CPC is constantly evolving and continuously improving. Our collaborative, inventive and engaging culture comprises of thriving employees who respect one another, lead by example and advance us toward an exciting future.
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